Cus­to­mer Refe­ren­ces Stand Buil­der Recruit­ment Agency

We have a lot of stands to build in Frank­furt, Düs­sel­dorf, Colo­gne and Munich. The on-site stand buil­der pla­ce­ment ser­vice of mes­se­bau­hel­fer saves us hotel and travelcost.

Henk van der Heide
Pro­ject Mana­ger, Sales­pro­mo­ter BV, Assen, Netherlands

We have a lot of stands to build in Frank­furt, Düs­sel­dorf, Colo­gne and Munich. The on-site stand buil­der pla­ce­ment ser­vice of mes­se­bau­hel­fer saves us hotel and travelcost.

Henk van der Heide
Pro­ject Mana­ger, Sales­pro­mo­ter BV, Assen, Netherlands

The fast and relia­ble pla­ce­ment of expe­ri­en­ced stand builders by Mr. Neu­haus ist often of great help. It’s good for a pro­ject coor­di­na­tor to be able to acti­va­te man­power easy and instantly.

Stefan Zahl­baum
Pro­jekt­ko­or­di­na­tor, Drei D Medi­en­ser­vice, Wildau, Deutschland

The fast and relia­ble pla­ce­ment of expe­ri­en­ced stand builders by Mr. Neu­haus ist often of great help. It’s good for a pro­ject coor­di­na­tor to be able to acti­va­te man­power easy and instantly.

Stefan Zahl­baum
Pro­jekt­ko­or­di­na­tor Drei D Medi­en­ser­vice, Wildau, Deutschland

Sebas­ti­an has helped us a lot, with his large team and the out­stan­ding work we could pre­sent an asto­nis­hing show. When in need for addi­tio­nal workers, mes­se­bau­hel­fer is my first choice.

Mads Erik­sen
Adm. Direk­tor, Dypang, Arhus, Denmark

Sebas­ti­an has helped us a lot, with his large team and the out­stan­ding work we could pre­sent an asto­nis­hing show. When in need for addi­tio­nal workers, mes­se­bau­hel­fer is my first choice.

Mads Erik­sen
Adm. Direk­tor, Dypang, Arhus, Denmark

It’s extrem­ly important for us to have relia­ble and com­pe­tent part­ners on site in Europe, becau­se travel cost and acco­mo­da­ti­on cost often arise to big num­bers for us as a Cana­di­an com­pa­ny. With Mr. Neu­haus and his team we can gua­ran­tee our over­sea cus­to­mers per­fect trade shows.

Bet­ti­na von Gross
Accoun­ting Depart­ment, Sali­ent Design & Exhi­bits, Toron­to, Canada

It’s extrem­ly important for us to have relia­ble and com­pe­tent part­ners on site in Europe, becau­se travel cost and acco­mo­da­ti­on cost often arise to big num­bers for us as a Cana­di­an com­pa­ny. With Mr. Neu­haus and his team we can gua­ran­tee our over­sea cus­to­mers per­fect trade shows.

Bet­ti­na von Gross
Accoun­ting Depart­ment, Sali­ent Design & Exhi­bits, Toron­to, Canada

Best of thanks to Mr. Neu­haus and his team. They have done a great job at the Wire in Dus­sel­dorf buil­ding our Syma dou­ble­stock booth.

Robert Zachar
Head of Sales Mar­ke­ting CPA, Graz, Austria

Best of thanks to Mr. Neu­haus and his team. The have done a great job at the Wire in Dus­sel­dorf buil­ding our Syma dou­ble­stock booth.

Robert Zachar
Head of Sales Mar­ke­ting, CPA, Graz, Austria

Mr. Neu­haus pro­vi­des our team at our many baby fair dates in Ger­ma­ny hel­ping hands for con­s­truc­tion und dis­mant­ling of the stand. We are at baby fairs in smal­ler towns also, and even there we get appro­pria­te help.

Patrick Mar­tens
Sales Mana­ger Dach & Bene­lux, BabyB­jörn, Solna, Sweden

Mr. Neu­haus pro­vi­des our team at our many baby fair dates in Ger­ma­ny hel­ping hands for con­s­truc­tion und dis­mant­ling of the stand. We are at baby fairs in smal­ler towns also, and even there we get appro­pria­te help.

Patrick Mar­tens
Sales Mana­ger Dach & Bene­lux, BabyB­jörn, Solna, Sweden