
Recruit­ment agen­cy for stand builders
Sebas­ti­an Neuhaus
Schuess­ler­stras­se 16
D‑40474 Duesseldorf
Pho­ne +49 171 6411 805
UID: DE119397770

Pho­to Credits

Own images, Foto­lia, seve­ral free libra­ri­es and the­se lis­ted images under Crea­ti­ve Com­mons license:

File: Mes­se Dort­mund: Aut­hor: Tbach­ner The image was ren­a­med by neu23. Licen­se: Public Domain

File: Mes­se­hal­le Nürn­berg Mes­se  Autor: Tho­mas Gei­gerz. The image was ren­a­med and cir­cum­si­zed by neu23. Licen­se:  CC BY-SA 3.0 de

File: Mes­se Mün­chen Aut­hor: Rufus. The image was ren­a­med and cir­cum­si­zed by neu23. Licen­se under Crea­ti­ve Com­mons Attri­bu­ti­on-Share Ali­ke 3.0 Unported

File: Mes­se Han­no­ver Mes­se Con­ven­ti­on Center.jpg  Aut­hor Mum­mel­grum­mel. The image was ren­a­med and cir­cum­si­zed by neu23. Licen­se under  Attri­bu­ti­on-Share Ali­ke 3.0 Unported

File: Mes­se Ham­burg: Aut­hor: Uwe Schu­bert. The image was ren­a­med and cir­cum­si­zed by neu23. Lizenz Public Domain

File: Mes­se Frank­furt  Aut­hor: dont­wor­ry Das Bild wur­de beschnit­ten und umbe­nannt. Die­se Datei ist unter der Crea­ti­ve-Com­mons-Lizenz „Namens­nen­nung – Wei­ter­ga­be unter glei­chen Bedin­gun­gen 3.0 nicht por­tiert“ lizenziert.

File: Mes­se Essen  Aut­hor Asio otus. The image was ren­a­med and cir­cum­si­zed by neu23. Licen­sed under Crea­ti­ve-Com­mons „Namens­nen­nung – Wei­ter­ga­be unter glei­chen Bedin­gun­gen 3.0 nicht portiert“

File: Mes­se Düs­sel­dorf  Autor/Quelle: sop archi­tek­ten, Fou­ber dou­ber­stan. The image was ren­a­med and cir­cum­si­zed by neu23. Licen­sed under Crea­ti­ve-Com­mons „Namens­nen­nung – Wei­ter­ga­be unter glei­chen Bedin­gun­gen 4.0 international“.

File: Koeln­mes­se  Aut­hor © Rai­mond Spek­king / CC BY-SA 4.0 (via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons). The image was ren­a­med and cir­cum­si­zed by neu23.


File:  Mes­se Stutt­gart 2012-04 by-RaBoe-16 D  Author:Ra Boe / Wiki­pe­dia. The image was ren­a­med and cir­cum­si­zed by neu23. Licen­sed under CC BY-SA 3.0 DE

File: Ams­ter­dam RAI EC.jpg  Aut­hor: Adam Klic­zek, / Wiki­pe­dia. The image was ren­a­med and cir­cum­si­zed by neu23. This file is licen­sed under the Crea­ti­ve Com­mons Attri­bu­ti­on-Share Ali­ke 4.0 Inter­na­tio­nal, 3.0 Unpor­ted, 2.5 Gene­ric, 2.0 Gene­ric and 1.0 Gene­ric license.

File: Mes­se Dres­den Aut­hor: Lys­ip­pos. The image was ren­a­med and cir­cum­si­zed by neu23. This file is licen­sed under the Crea­ti­ve Com­mons Attri­bu­ti­on-Share Ali­ke 3.0 Unpor­ted license.

File: Leip­zi­ger neue Mes­se Aut­hor: OmiTs. The image was ren­a­med and cir­cum­si­zed by neu23. This file is licen­sed under the Crea­ti­ve Com­mons Attri­bu­ti­on-Share Ali­ke 3.0 Unpor­ted license.